Articles for the IKP annual report 2010
Highlights of IKP
(April/2011 )
---->Send remarks to: Markus Büscher
Articles about the ANKE activity for the main part:
- Study of the pn->{pp}spi- reaction near the threshold at ANKE
- Vector analyzing power of the pp->{pp}spi0 reaction at intermediate energies at ANKE/COSY
- Formation of the 1S0 diproton in the reaction pp->{pp}spi0 in the Delta isobar region
- The eta-meson mass determination with ANKE at COSY
- Investigation of the He3-eta final state in dp-collisions
- Coherent production of pion pairs in the reaction pd->pdpipi
- Analysing power of pd-> 3Hpi+ and pd-> 3Hepi0 at Tp=353 MeV measured at ANKE-COSY
- Identification of the pn->domega reaction at ANKE
- Recent results from the charge-exchange breakup reaction dp->{pp}s+n study at ANKE
- Analysis of the pd -> pp(STT) + X reaction at 353 MeV using ANKE STT's
- Neural Network application for proton kinetic energy reconstruction in ANKE STT's
- Double-polarized fusion
- Study of the pn->{pp}spi- reaction near the threshold at ANKE