Articles for the IKP annual report 2002
Overview article ANKE (draft: ps file or pdf file, 17/01/03)
First K+p, K+d correlation experiments from pC collisions at Tp=1.2 and 2.3 GeV ( final, sources, 27/01/03)
ROC-model calculations on K+d correlations from proton-carbon collisions ( final, sources, 27/01/03)
Investigation of a0+ resonance production in the reaction pp->dK+K0(bar) at ANKE ( final, sources, 28/01/03)
The process pp->d a0+->K+K0 near threshold and non-resonant background ( final, sources, 27/01/03)
Investigation of multi-pion background in the a0+->pi+eta decay channel ( final, sources, 21/01/03)
a0(980) production in the reaction dd->4He a00 and a0(980)-f0(980) mixing ( final, sources, 21/01/03)
Status and calibration of the new detection system for negativly charged ejectiles at ANKE ( final, sources, 28/01/03)
First detection of K- and phi mesons at ANKE ( final, sources, 28/01/03)
Energy dependence of the deuteron break-up at high-momentum transfer ( final, sources, 28/01/03)
Short range NN-properties in the process pd->dp and pd->(pp)n ( final, sources, 28/01/03)
Measurement of the asymmetry of the deuteron breakup reaction p(pol)d -> ppn at ANKE ( final, sources, 28/01/03)
Measurement of vector analyzing power of p(pol)d elastic scattering at 0.5 GeV ( final, sources, 27/01/03)
The Polarized Internal Gas Target (PIT) of ANKE at COSY ( final, sources, 28/01/03)
The Lamb-shift Polarimeter for the Polarized Internal Target (PIT) at ANKE ( final, sources, 30/01/03)
Development of the ANKE pellet target ( final, sources, 27/01/03)
Measurements on the reaction pd->dpspec eta at ANKE ( final, sources, 30/01/03)
Hyperon Production in ANKE Experiments at COSY-Jülich ( final, sources, 27/01/03)
Test of drift chambers at ANKE ( final, sources, 08/01/03)
RootSorter: a new analysis framework for ANKE ( final, sources, 03/02/03)
Subthreshold Anti-proton production at COSY energies? ( final, sources, 27/01/03)
System Development for COSY Experiments ( final, sources, 27/01/03)