Articles for the IKP annual report 2001
Status report ANKE
- Effects of Coulomb and kaon nuclear potentials on soft K+ production from nuclei (final)
- Phenomenological analysis of K+-Meson Production in Proton-Nucleus Collisions (final)
- Investigation of the a0+(980) Resonance at ANKE (final)
- Near threshold production of a0-mesons in the reactions pp->ppK+K- and pp->pnK+K0: Is the a0(980) a qq(bar) state or a threshold cusp? (final)
- Measuring the life-time of a0-mesons by their excitation function in pN reactions (final)
- Efficiency of the second scintillator plane of the ANKE forward detector (final)
- Observation of the deuteron breakup pd -> (pp)s+nbackward with a forward emitted S-wave proton pair (final)
- Momentum correlation of fast particles recorded in the ANKE forward detector (final)
- Determination of the ANKE forward detector MWPC efficiency (final)
- Beam-polarization measurement for the ANKE deuteron break-up experiment (final)
- Singlet-to-triplet ratio in the deuteron-breakup reaction pd -> pnp at 585 MeV (final)
- Identifcation of deuterons with high momenta at ANKE (final)
- Model-independent analysis of the neutron-proton final-state interaction region in the pp->pnpi+ reaction (final)
- Spin-triplet final-state dominance in the pp->pnpi+ reaction at 492 MeV (final)
- Luminosities at ANKE using foil targets (final)
- Luminosity determination via pp elastic scattering for the ANKE beam time on a0+ production (final)
- Test of the luminosity determination procedure for the ANKE beam time on a0+ production (final)
- Determination of effective target thickness and luminosity from energy loss at the ANKE cluster target (final)
- Luminosity determination for the deuteron breakup experiment (final)
- Diffraction pd-scattering at COSY energies (final)
- Beam properties of the ANKE atomic beam source (final)
- Status of the Lamb-shift polarimeter for the polarized target at ANKE (final)
- Nuclear polarization of hydrogen molecules from recombination of polarized atoms (final)
- The nuclear polarization of molecules from recombined polarized hydrogen and deuterium gas atoms. New measurements in the framework of an International Science and Technology Center project (final)
- Hydrogen droplet production with the ANKE pellet target (final)
- Study of liquid hydrogen jet properties close to triple-point conditions (final)
- The ANKE Silicon Spectator Tracker ASiST (final)
- A flexible printed board for the ASiST chip readout (final)
- Experimental results from an ASiST prototype (final)
- Current status of the photon-detector project for ANKE/COSY (final)
- Detection of charged particles with PbWO4 (final)
- An improved gas mixture for the side-detector wire chamber at ANKE (final)
- Measurement of the wire tension in MWPCs (final)
- Investigation of the Phi-meson production in pp and pn collisions at ANKE (final)
- The cross-section estimate for non-resonant K+K- production in pn collisions (final)
- Simulations of the dd -> alpha eta reaction at ANKE (final)
- Spin effects in the deuteron charge-exchange break-up reaction dp -> (pp)n (final)
- Effects of Coulomb and kaon nuclear potentials on soft K+ production from nuclei (final)