Sindhujha Kumaran M.Sc.
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Sindhujha Kumaran M.Sc.
- 2018-2022, Dr.rer.nat in Physics
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Doctoral thesis - "Geoneutrinos and solar neutrinos with the Borexino detector" - 2016-2018 M.Sc. in Physics
Specialisation: Experimental Particle Physics
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Master Thesis - "Updated Geoneutrino Measurement with the Borexino Detector" - 2013-2016 B.Sc. in Physics
Stella Maris College, affiliated to the University of Madras, Chennai, India
My work on geoneutrinos focused on the improvement of the "standard" selection cuts in Borexino and performing sensitivity studies. The work is the continuation of my Master's thesis. The improved selection cuts such as sophisticated cosmogenic vetoes and an enlarged fiducial volume increased the exposure of the analysis almost two-fold. Furthermore, I have als0 evaluated most of the non-antineutrino backgrounds, and have improved and performed the final spectral fits in different configurations. This work along with the geological interpretations was published in 2020. This paper, co-written by me, gives a comprehensive overview and serves as a reference for next-generation liquid scintillation detectors.CNO-cycle solar neutrinos
My work for the observation and the possible measurement of CNO-cycle solar neutrinos involves monitoring the Po-210 rate in Borexino, in order to obtain the Bi-210 rate, the most important background for CNO solar neutrinos. The extraction of the Bi-210 upper limit for the first experimental evidence of CNO neutrinos was published in 2020. I cross-checked the "standard" method using ROOT, as well as co-developed a new and improved method using a Bayesian nested sampling algorithm called MultiNest to perform higher dimensional fits. The analysis has also been further improved and updated for the full Phase-III dataset of Borexino until October 2021, for the CNO analysis that is planned to be submitted for publication in May 2022. My other contributions for the CNO analysis include performing the final multivariate fits, along with the evaluation of the systematic uncertainties associated with the fit parameters.Directionality of sub-MeV solar neutrinos
In a liquid scintillator detector like Borexino, it is challenging to study the directional properties of neutrino events due to the domination of isotropic scintillation light. However, since Cherenkov photons are emitted much faster with respect to scintillation light, their hit time properties can be exploited for the statistical separation of scintillation and Cherenkov photons. This is performed by correlating the direction of the first few photon hits of events to the well-known position of the Sun and integrating this over a large number of events, through a novel technique called Correlated and Integrated Directionality (CID) . My work for this analysis includes the tuning of the Borexino Monte-Carlo using gamma calibration sources to accommodate the study of Cherenkov photons, optimisation of the data selection cuts, evaluation of systematic uncertainties, and performing stability checks and the final fits. The first ever directional measurement of sub-MeV solar neutrinos using this analysis has been published jointly as a short PRL letter and a long PRD article, and these articles were co-written by me.Teaching
- S. Appel et al., Improved measurement of solar neutrinos from the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen cycle by Borexino and its implications for the Standard Solar Model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 (2022) 252701. Selected as editors suggestion and marked as “America n Physical Society Viewpoint” (available at “Physics”).
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), First Directional Measurement of sub-MeV Solar Neutrinos with Borexino, Physical Review Letters, 128 (2022) 091803.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Correlated and Integrated Directionality for sub-MeV solar neutrinos in Borexino , Physical Review D, 105 (2022) 052002
- S. Appel et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Search for Low-Energy Signals from Fast Radio Bursts with the Borexino Detector , arXiv:2111.14500, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal C.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Identification of the cosmogenic 11C background in large volumes of liquid scintillators with Borexino, European Physical Journal C, 81 (2021) 1075.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Sensitivity to neutrinos from the solar CNO cycle in Borexino, European Physical Journal C 80 (2020) 1091.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), "Experimental evidence of neutrinos produced in the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun", Nature 587 (2020) p 577–582.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), "Search for low-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources with Borexino", Astroparticle Physics 125 (2021) 102509.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), "Comprehensive geoneutrino analysis with Borexino", Physical Review D 101 (2020) 012009.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), "Improved measurement of 8B solar neutrinos with 1.5 kt*y of Borexino exposure", Physical Review D 101 (2020) 062002.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), "Constraints on Flavor-Diagonal Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions from Borexino Phase-II", Journal of High Energy Physics 2 (2020) 038.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), "Simultaneous Precision Spectroscopy of pp, 7Be, and pep Solar Neutrinos with Borexino Phase-II", Physical Review D 100 (2019) 082004.
- M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), "Modulations of the Cosmic Muon Signal in Ten Years of Borexino Data", Journal of Cosmology and Astrophysics 02(2019) 046.
- S. Kumaran, L. Ludhova, Ö. Penek, and G. Settanta, Borexino Results on Neutrinos from the Sun and Earth , Universe 07 (2021) 231, Special Issue Italian Research Facilities for Fundamental Physics.
- S. Kumaran and L. Ludhova, "A New Journey to the Center of the Earth", Nucl. Phys. News 04 (2020) 17-21.
- S. Kumaran et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Spectroscopy of geoneutrino with Borexino, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (TAUP 2021) 2156 012140.
- S. Kumaran et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Directional measurement in Borexino: Calibration of Cherenkov photons in a liquid scintillator detector using gamma sources, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (TAUP 2021) 2156 012184.
- S. Kumaran et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Directional analysis of sub-MeV 7Be solar neutrinos in Borexino, Il Nuovo Cimento C (SoUP 2021) 1.
- S. Kumaran et al. (Borexino Collaboration), First direct evidence of the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun with Borexino, PoS (ICRC 2021) 395.
- S. Kumaran et al. (Borexino Collaboration), The Low Polonium Field of Borexino and its significance for the CNO neutrino detection with Borexino, Recontres de Moriond 2021.
- S. Kumaran et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Analysis strategies for the updated geoneutrino measurement with Borexino, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (TAUP 2019) 1468 012184.
The Borexino collaboration
Proceedings for Borexino
Selected events
- DPG Spring Meeting 2021, online, Heidelberg, Germany, 20-25 March, 2022
Group report: Recent solar and geoneutrino results from Borexino - Helmoholtz Matter Universe Meeting 2021, online, 24-25 November, 2021
Flash talk: Borexino unravels the Sun and Earth with neutrinos - 17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP) 2021, online, Valencia, Spain: 26 August - 3 September, 2021
Poster: Directional measurement in Borexino: Calibration of Cherenkov photons in a liquid scintillator detector using gamma sources - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, online, Berlin, Germany: 12-23 July, 2021
Parallel talk: First direct evidence of the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun with Borexino - The 1st INFN International School on Underground Physics (SoUP 2021), Virtual: 28 June - 2 July, 2021
Poster: Directionality of Be-7 solar neutrinos in Borexino - 55th Rencontres de Moriond, online: 20-27 March, 2021
YSF flash talk: The Low Polonium Field of Borexino and its significance for CNO neutrino detection - DPG Spring Meeting 2021, online, Dortmund, Germany: 15-19 March, 2021
Parallel talk: Bi-210 upper limit for the direct evidence of CNO solar neutrinos with Borexino - Neutrino 2020, online, Fermilab, USA: 22 June - 2 July, 2020
Poster: Extraction of Bi-210 via Po-210 for CNO neutrino detection with Borexino - 17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP) 2021, online, Valencia, Spain: 26 August - 3 September, 2021
Parallel talk: Spectroscopy of geoneutrinos with Borexino - Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN) 2021, online, Minnesota, USA: 7-12 June, 2021
Poster: Detecting signals from the deep Earth with Borexino
- Neutrino geoscience 2020, Prague, Czech republic: 21-23 October, 2019
Plenary talk: Borexino: Improvements of the latest geoneutrino results
Poster: Analysis Strategies for the Updated Geoneutrino Measurement with Borexino - 16th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP) 2019, Toyama, Japan: 9-13 September, 2019
Poster (best poster prize): Analysis Strategies for the Updated Geoneutrino Measurement with Borexino - DPG Spring Meeting 2019, Aachen, Germany: 25-29 March, 2019
Parallel talk: Updated geoneutrino measurement with the Borexino detector: Key improvements - Workshop on Observatory Synergies for Astroparticle physics and Geosciences, Paris, France: 11-12 February, 2019
Poster (young scientist grant): Towards the improved geoneutrino measurement with Borexino - Using Particle Physics to Understand and Image the Earth, INFN, Ferrara: 2-12 July, 2018
Participation in summer school - DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Wuerzburg, Germany: 19-23 March, 2018
Parallel talk: Optimisation of selection cuts for updated geoneutrino analysis with Borexino