

  • Neutrino2024 - June 16 - 22 - Milano, Italia
    H. Shi - Study of the background from 13C(α,n)16O reactions in the JUNO scintillator
    Y. Malyshkin - JUNO sensitivity to neutrino oscillation parameters
    A. Khatun and M. Rifai - Exploring atmospheric neutrino oscillation in JUNO
    L. Pelicci - CNO solar neutrino detection with Borexino: directionality measurement and spectral analysis
    C. Morales - JUNO's Sensitivity to Geoneutrinos
    M. Malabarba - Feasibility study for 7Be and CNO solar neutrino directional measurement with JUNO


  • Matter and Universe 2023 day - September 14 - September 15 - KIT, Germany
    M. Rifai - JUNO NMO's sensitivity

  • EPS-HEP 2023 - August 21 - August 25 - Universität Hamburg, Germany
    A. Singhal - JUNO's sensitivity to 7Be, pep and CNO solar neutrinos

  • MAYORANA School - July 4 - July 11 - Modica, Italy
    C. Morales - JUNO Sensitivity to Geoneutrinos

  • Winner of best poster and mini-talk. Congratulations!


  • 41st International Symposium on Physics in Collision (PIC 2022) - September 05 - September 09 - Tbilisi State University, Georgia
    M. Rifai: Physics prospects of the JUNO experiment

  • Neutrino2022 - May 30 - Jun 04 - Seoul, Korea (online)
    C. Vollbrecht - OSIRIS: The Online Scintillator Internal Radioactivity Investigation System of JUNO
    M. Rifai - Atmospheric neutrino physics in JUNO: reconstruction of GeV interaction
    L. Pelicci - Solar neutrino physics with JUNO: analysis strategy and sensitivity studies for Be7, pep and CNO neutrinos
    A. Singhal - First directional measurement of sub-MeV solar neutrinos in the liquid scintillator detector by Borexino


  • 40th International Symposium on Physics in Collision (PIC 2021) - September 14 - September 17 - RWTH Aachen University, Germany
    P. Kampmann: Physics potential of the JUNO experiment
    O. Penek: First Experimental Evidence of CNO Cycle Solar Neutrinos by Borexino
    A. Singhal: First directional detection of sub-MeV solar neutrinos in the liquid scintillator detector by Borexino

  • 17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2021) - August 30 - September 3 - Valencia, Spain (fully online)
    S. Kumaran: Directional measurement in Borexino: Calibration of Cherenkov photons in a liquid scintillator detector using gamma sources
    L. Pelicci: Data analysis strategy used for the detection of CNO solar neutrinos with Borexino
    A. Singhal: Understanding the systematic effects for the directional measurement of Be-7 solar neutrinos with Borexino

  • The European Physical Society on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) - July 26 - July 30 - (fully online)
    C. Vollbrecht: OSIRIS - An online scintillator radiopurity monitor for the JUNO experiment

  • International School on Astroparticle Physics (ISAPP 2021) - July 21 - July 30 - (fully online)
    R. Liu: Trigger Studies for the OSIRIS Pre-detector of JUNO

  • The 1st INFN International School on Underground Physics (SoUP) - June 28 - July 2 - (fully online)
    S. Kumaran: Chasing Cherenkov photons in an organic liquid scintillator detector: Directionality of sub-MeV Be-7 solar neutrinos in Borexino
    A. Göttel: JUST: a neutrino fit software for JUNO’s solar analysis and sensitivity
    M. Rifai: Atmospheric neutrinos in JUNO

  • Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN) 2021 - June 7 - June 12 - (fully online)
    S. Kumaran: Detecting signals from the deep Earth with Borexino



  • Neutrino Geoscience 2019 - October 21 - October 23 - Prague, Czech Republic
    S. Kumaran - "Analysis Strategies for the Updated Geoneutrino Measurement with Borexino"
  • Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP) 2019,- September 9 - September 13 - Toyama, Japan
    S. Kumaran - "Analysis Strategies for the Updated Geoneutrino Measurement with Borexino" (Best Poster Prize)

  • Workshop on Observatory Synergies for Astroparticle physics and Geosciences - February 11 - February 12, 2019 - Paris, France
    S. Kumaran - "Towards the improved geoneutrino measurement with Borexino"

  • Phystat-Nu workshop CERN - January 22 - January 25, 2019 - Geneva, Switzerland
    Ö. Penek - "Analytical multivariate fit and sensitivity studies in the Borexino solar neutrino analysis"


  • 11th International Neutrino Summer School - May 21 - June 01 - Mainz, Germany
    P. Kampmann - "Reduction of the 14C-background in JUNO"
  • M. Redchuk - "Solar neutrino analysis with the Borexino detector" (Poster Prize)

  • XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - June 04 - June 09 - Heidelberg, Germany
    Y. Cheng - "GNA fitter and Detector response impact on MH sensitivity study"
    M. Schever - "Waveform Reconstruction of IBD and Muon Events in JUNO"

  • 7th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics (SSP2018) - June 10 - June 15 - Aachen, Germany
    Philipp Kampmann - "Reduction of the 14C-background in JUNO"
  • 2017

  • 5th NuPhys conference NuPhys2017: Prospects in Neutrino Physics - December 20 - December 22 - London, United Kingdom
    Z. Bagdasarian - "Search for the sterile neutrinos with the SOX experiment" (Poster Runner-up Prize)

  • Programme-oriented funding (POF) evaluation within the Helmholtz Association - December 14 - Juelich, Germany
    M. Redchuk - "Borexino"
    M. Schever - "JUNO"

  • Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics - October 15 - October 22 - Catania, Italy
    M. Redchuk - "Solar neutrino analysis with the Borexino detector" (Poster Prize)

  • Recent Developments in Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - September 4 - September 7 - Gran Sasso & L'Aquila, Italy
    Z. Bagdasarian - "Analytical response function for the Borexino solar neutrino analysis" (Poster Prize)
    M. Redchuk - "Systematic studies in the Borexino solar neutrino analysis with the analytical fit"
    O. Penek - "Analytical Multivariate Fit with GooStats in the Borexino Solar Neutrino Analysis"

  • "VII International Pontecorvo Neutrino Physics School" - August 20 - September 1 - Prague, Czech Republic
    Participants: Y. Cheng - "Waveform Reconstruction in JUNO"

  • 15th International Conference on "Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics" (TAUP 2017) - July 24 - July 28 - Sudbury, Canada
    Z. Bagdasarian - "Analytical response function for the Borexino solar neutrino analysis"
    C. Genster - "Studies on Muon Veto in the JUNO Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector"