The Neutrino Group was established by the recruitment of Livia Ludhova as the head of the group in
November 2015. Thanks to the funds from the recruitment initiative of Helmholtz Association, the group has
significantly increased in size, and it typically consists now of ten members. You can find the current group
composition here.
On 15th September 2024 the group has moved the complete project from Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH to GSI
Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, and from Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule
University of Aachen to Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.
Latest news
Prof. Dr. Dr. Livia Ludhova was awarded the Order of Ľudovít Štúr, 2nd Class, Civil Division
on January 11, 2025, by the President of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Peter Pellegrini, in
Bratislava, Slovakia, for her exceptional contributions to the development of the Slovak Republic in
the field of science and technology, as well as for her outstanding efforts in promoting the good
reputation of the Slovak Republic abroad. Press release: Slovakia, JGU
Mainz, GSI
The filling of JUNO with water began on 18th December!
Apeksha Singhal has defended her PhD thesis "Data analysis for solar neutrinos: Final CNO
measurement exploiting the directionality method with Borexino and JUNO’s potential for solar
neutrino measurement " on 3rd December.
We are increasing our involvement in JUNO commissioning:
Yury is the convener of the Data Quality Monitoring working group.
Yury, Ujwal and Ze went to Beijing (Dec 2024) to work together with chinese colleagues on
commissioning related topics.
Yury has done assemply works for the water pool of our detector in December.
Marco, Ujwal and Cristobal participated during January in the JUNO shifts