
Scientific recognitions

Prof. Dr. Dr. Livia Ludhova was awarded the Order of Ľudovít Štúr, 2nd Class, Civil Division on January 11, 2025, by the President of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Peter Pellegrini, in Bratislava, Slovakia, for her exceptional contributions to the development of the Slovak Republic in the field of science and technology, as well as for her outstanding efforts in promoting the good reputation of the Slovak Republic abroad. Press release: Slovakia, JGU Mainz, GSI

September 2023. Recognition of the work of Livia Ludhova on the Borexino experiment in Italy by the social media of the Slovak Embassy in Rome in the occasion of:
Event "Solar neutrino physics at LNGS: Borexino and Gallex experiments" organized by Academia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome, Facebook Instagram
Visit of the EU ambassadors in Italy to the LNGS laboratory, Facebook Instagram

August 2022. Cornelius won the PhD research scholarship sponsored by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). This scholarship allows him to travel to China and contribute to the commissioning of the OSIRIS detector within the JUNO experiment.
Congratulations to Cornelius!

June 2022. Livia Ludhova listed among the top Slovak scientists based on the h-index. Congratulations! (link)

Since January 2018, the working group on equal opportunities (AKC) of the German Physical Society (DPG) highlights weekly women in physics in Germany or German women in physics abroad. On December 17 2021, Livia Ludhova was selected as the woman physicist of the week ( DPG website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

July 2021. European Physical Society Prize: The 2021 Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize for an outstanding contribution to Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology was awarded to the Borexino Collaboration for the ground-breaking observation of solar netrinos frome the pp chain and CNO cycle that provided unique and comprehensive tests of the Sun as a nucleat fusion engine. (link)

Borexino experiment is listed in 2020 Top Ten of Physics World! (link)

Nature Article - Experimental evidence for observing neutrinos from the carbon–nitrogen–oxygen (CNO) cycle in the Sun! (link)