Runxuan Liu M.Sc.
Runxuan Liu M.Sc.
- M.Sc. in Physics
Brown University
Research topic: Boron-8 neutrino signals sensitivity in the LUX-Zeplin dark matter detector. - B.Sc. in Physics Beijing Normal University Bachelor Thesis: Electromagnetic field of a point charge in de Siite spacetime.
- B.Sc, in Mathematics Beijing Normal University Bachelor Thesis: On the theory of real numbers of N. Bourbaki.
Main work
Development of event builder for OSIRIS experiment, focus on trigger parameters optimization and logic of triggering. Also get involved into the calibration of OSIRIS.
Selected events
- DPG Sping meeting Dresden, Germany, March 2023 Presentation: Event builder and online monitoring of OSIRIS pre-detector of JUNO
- The 28th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2022) Cape Town, South Africa, September 2022 Presentation: JUNO Experiment: Current Status and Physics
- IKP Seminar Jülich, Germany, July 4, 2022 Presentation: JUNO Experiment: Current Status and Physics
- ISOTDAQ 2022 - International School of Trigger and Data AcQuisition Catania, Italy, June 13-23, 2022
- DPG Spring Meeting Heidelberg, Germany (Online), March 2022 Presentation: Calibration and Trigger Studies for the OSIRIS pre-detector of JUNO
- LXXI International conference (NUCLEUS 2021) Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics St. Petersburg, Russia (Online), September 2021 Oral talk: OSIRIS – An online scintillator radiopurity monitoring pre-detector of JUNO
- ISAPP 2021 Neutrino Physics, Astrophysics and cosmology summer school Valencia, Spain (Online), July 2021 Poster: Trigger Studies for the OSIRIS Pre-detector of JUNO
- DPG Spring Meeting Dortmund, Germany (Online), March 2021 Presentation: Software Trigger Optimization for the OSIRIS Pre-detector of JUNO
- XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes Padova/ Venice, Italy (Online), February 2021 Flash talk: JUNO OSIRIS Online Trigger
Selected publications
- A. Abusleme et al. (JUNO Collaboration), Feasibility and physics potential of detecting 8B solar neutrinos at JUNO, Chinese Physics C Vol. 45, No. 1 (2021)
- A. Abusleme et al. (JUNO Collaboration), The design and sensitivity of JUNO’s scintillator radiopurity pre-detector OSIRIS, Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 973 (2021)
- R. Liu et al. (JUNO Collaboration), JUNO Experiment: Current Status and Physics, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2586 (2023) 012135
- R. Liu et al. (JUNO collaboration), JUNO OSIRIS Online Trigger, Proceedings of the XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, Padova (Italy), online, 2021