Mariia Redchuk M.Sc.

Dr. Mariia Redchuk
  • PhD student, October 2016 - June 2020
  • Thesis Title: Looking inside the Sun with the Borexino experiment: detection of solar neutrinos from the proton-proton chain and the CNO cycle

  • E-mail:


[2014 - 2016] M.Sc. in Physics
Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Master Thesis: Sensitivity of the JUNO Detector to the MeV Neutrino Flux Arising from Dark Matter Annihilation in the Sun

[2010 - 2014] B.Sc. in Physics, minor in Applied Mathematics
Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu, Taiwan)

Research activities

Detection of solar neutrinos from the CNO cycle with the Borexino experiment

  • Modelling of spectral deformation resulting from the pile-up events and estimation of the constraints on pile-up and 14C rates necessary for performing Monte Carlo fit of the Borexino Phase-III data
  • CNO neutrino discovery power based on the multivariate fit Phase-III data with the Monte Carlo approach
  • Analysis of systematic effects ased on the multivariate fit

Effective quantum efficiency of the Borexino photomultiplier tubes

  • Development of a new approach for obtaining the effective quantum efficiency of the Borexino PMTs, resulting in the improvement of the Monte Carlo simulation and making the Monte Carlo fit of the Phase-III data possible for the first time <\li>
  • Design and implementation of a weekly ROOT/Python framework for monitoring the quantum efficiencies

Solar pp-chain neutrino analysis of Borexino Phase-II data

  • The first simultaneous multivariate fit of the Phase-II Borexino low energy solar neutrino data
  • Design of a Python based tool to obtain the systematic uncertainties of the analytical multivariate fit
  • Search for the rare hep neutrino candidates using the Borexino FADC system
  • Evaluation of the 222Rn background for the joint Borexino Phase-I + Phase-II analysis which can enable the use of full extended Borexino dataset

Borexino data quality and detector stability

  • Optimization and improvement of the Borexino data validation framework for monitoring detector performance and data quality
  • Development of a ROOT based framework for monitoring the stability of the PMT laser timing calibrations crucial for event position reconstruction

Dark matter detection with the JUNO experiment

  • Sensitivity of the JUNO detector to MeV neutrino flux arising from dark matter annihilation in the Sun (Master thesis topic)

Neutrino flavour phenomenology with the IceCube experiment

  • Constraints to flavour transition mechanisms of astrophysical neutrinos based on IceCube measurements (Master research topic)

Selected Publications