Note: The Webpage is provided "as is" and is no longer updated. Data taking stopped 2015 and data analysisis (with a few exceptions) also finished.
WASA (Wide Angle Shower Apparatus) is a large-acceptance detector for charged and neutral particles. It has been operated at the CELSIUS storage ring at The Svedberg Laboratory in Uppsala (Sweden) until June 2005 (updated link to nuclear physics in Uppsala). After the shutdown of CELSIUS the detector setup was relocated to continue its operation at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY at IKP in Jülich. It was installed in summer 2006 and has successfully taken data until middle of 2014. In 2015 the central detector together with the pellet target had been removed and the target area has been refurbished in order to use the forward detector as azimuthally symmetric polarimeter for the JEDI collaboration at COSY (until the shutdown of COSY end of 2023). The central detector has been shipped to GSI (see, e.g., this publication) and is used to study exotic hadron and hypernuclei. |
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