Beam Dynamics Workshop
Agenda | Talks
Beam dynamics workshop September 25 2013, IKP Large Seminar Room
9.00 Introduction Andreas Lehrach
9.05 Spin decoherence in multipole fields Yurij Senichev
Multiparticle tracking result (Juropa) Denis Zyuzin
Theory of symplectic matrix formalism for spin-orbit tracking Sergey Andrianov
10.30 ----------- Coffee break -------------------------------------------------------
11:00 Testing of symplectic integrator of spin-orbit motion
based on matrix formalism Andrey Ivanov
Data management and analysis for beam dynamic simulation Denis Zyuzin
Simulation of SCT for different Sextupole Settings Marcel Rosenthal
12.30 --------------- LUNCH -----------------------------------------------------------
14.00 Dependence of SCT on the Harmonics of the RF
Solenoid Excitation Marcel Rosenthal
Systematic Error Investigation for Closed-Orbit Excitation Stas Chekmenev
Systematic error investigation with static
and RF Wienfilter Method Artem Saleev
tba Kolya Nikolaev
15.30 ------------- Coffee break ------------------------------------------------------
16:00 Concluding remarks Andreas Lehrach
16.30 end of meeting