About the Workshop

Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany, together with the Georgian partner institution, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), are planning the 7th Georgian-German School and Workshop in Basic Science, this time devoted to the topic: “Spin Physics, Symmetries and Applications”. The meeting will be held in Tbilisi (TSU), Georgia, during August 29 - September 2, 2016.
The background is as follows: since 2004 colleagues from Institute of Nuclear Physics (IKP/FZJ) biannually gather in Tbilisi for a workshop with Georgian partners (first with HEPI TSU), originally called "Caucasian-German School and Workshop in Hadron Physics" and later "Georgian-German School and Workshop in Basic Science (GGSWBS)"; since 2010 other institutes of FZJ have joined these meetings as well as other universities in Georgia: the Georgian Technical University, Ilia State University and Agricultural University of Georgia. In 2012, we had a school in Batumi, and in 2013, Jülich scientists went to Tbilisi for almost 2 weeks of the first "Autumn Lectures". In 2014, we had a very successful anniversary meeting - "Ten Years of Georgian-German Science Bridge (GGSB)" - which has summarized achievements in the scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries, as well as initiated discussions and brainstorming on scientific (ongoing and future) projects and educational (student exchange) programs with the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF).
In 2015, the cooperation of Jülich and Georgian partners has been put on solid ground by a Memorandum-of-Understanding signed between the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia (MoE) and Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (JÜLICH) to support and further develop their long-term scientific and educational cooperation. In this regard the foundation of so called SMART|Labs (SMART is the abbreviation for Science, Medicine, Applied Research and Technology) between a consortium of Georgian Universities (GTU, ISU, TSU, and AUG) and particular JÜLICH institutes (Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK), Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP), Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM), Jülich Center for Neutron Science (JCNS) and Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA)) is envisaged. On October 7, 2015, during the second “Autumn Lectures” in Tbilisi, contracts between Georgia and JÜLICH have been concluded and signed to establish a SMART|EDM_Lab, within the project devoted to search for electric dipole moments (EDM) of charged particles at storage rings.
In 2016 , in frame of GGSB we plan to have a topical meeting – "Spin Physics, Symmetries and Applications" - which will focus on one of the subjects of great mystery in natural science: the dominance of matter over antimatter in the universe! During the workshop we want to bring together worldwide experts from the accelerator, particle physics and technology communities from various international collaborations (JEDI, AMS, JUNO, TRIC/PAX, ...) to summarize achievements in the field. We plan to also have dedicated lecture courses for Master and PhD students in Natural and Engineering Sciences.
Invitations for additional projects and contributions on the workshop subject are welcome!