============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== AAA NNN NN KK KK EEEEEEE AA AA NNNN NN KK KK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKKK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKKK EEEEEE n nnn ee w w w sss AAAAAAAAAAAAA NN NN NN KK KK EE nn n e e w w w s AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NN NN NN KK KK EE n n eeee w w w ss AA AA NN NNNN KK KK EE n n e w w w s AA AA NN NNN KK KK EEEEEEEE n n ee w w sss ============================================================================== ===========================NUMBER 144, June 2007=============================== ============================================================================== (Edited by: A.Kacharava, FZ Juelich, IKP; a.kacharava@fz-juelich.de) Juelich, June 11, 2007 Dear colleagues, let me inform you on the following: 1. Papers: Analysis meeting, for use of Schottky method for luminosity determination at internal COSY experiments, is scheduled for June 18, 11:00 (IKP). Irakli Keshelashvili and Michael Hartmann will give the status of the analysis and NIM paper draft. 2. Beam-time: Preparation of up-coming 2 weeks of beam-time (June 18 - July 1) for depolarization study (proposal #169) is on the way. Appropriate information on the experiment can be found on PAXwiki. The new beam-time schedule for the next beam-time period (II-2007/I-2008) is available from COSY website. 3. Collaboration meeting: We had a very informative and nice workshop/collaboration meeting in Ferrara end of May/begining of June. All presentations (pdf files) are now available form the workshop website: http://web.fe.infn.it/spinwiki/index.php/29-05-2007_ANKE-PAX_Workshop_on_SPIN_PHYSICS We would like to thank our colleagues from Ferrara for a great organization ! 4. Internal: We will have tomorrow a meeting in IKP, June 12, 10:00, on the upgrade for ANKE. Ralf Schleichert and Valery Serdyuk will inform us on the plans for the coming summer shutdown period. Since this may affect the ANKE FD-system, everybody should consider to join. Best regards, Andro