============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== AAA NNN NN KK KK EEEEEEE AA AA NNNN NN KK KK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKKK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKKK EEEEEE n nnn ee w w w sss AAAAAAAAAAAAA NN NN NN KK KK EE nn n e e w w w s AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NN NN NN KK KK EE n n eeee w w w ss AA AA NN NNNN KK KK EE n n e w w w s AA AA NN NNN KK KK EEEEEEEE n n ee w w sss ============================================================================== ===========================NUMBER 146, July 2007=============================== ============================================================================== (Edited by: A.Kacharava, FZ Juelich, IKP; a.kacharava@fz-juelich.de) Juelich, July 2, 2007 Dear colleagues, let me inform you on the following: 1. Papers: the final version of PLB paper (including the author list) - "Is there an etaHe3 quasi-bound state?" prepared by EDITORIAL team (C.Wilkin, A.Khoukaz, Ch.Hanhart, and T.Mersmann) is available from our home page and intended for submission by the end of this week. Before the submission, please, have a look on the paper again. In case of further remarks, from your side, please contact ET immediately. 2. Internal: As it was announced by previous news (#145, June 13), schedule for the ANKE maintenance work in the comming summer shutdown has been prepared by Ralf Schleichert and also available from the ANKE home page under the folder "Beam time". Best regards, Andro