============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== AAA NNN NN KK KK EEEEEEE AA AA NNNN NN KK KK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKKK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKK EE AA AA NN NN NN KKKK EEEEEE n nnn ee w w w sss AAAAAAAAAAAAA NN NN NN KK KK EE nn n e e w w w s AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NN NN NN KK KK EE n n eeee w w w ss AA AA NN NNNN KK KK EE n n e w w w s AA AA NN NNN KK KK EEEEEEEE n n ee w w sss ============================================================================== ===========================NUMBER 158, APRIL 2008============================= ============================================================================== (Edited by: A.Kacharava, FZ Juelich, IKP; a.kacharava@fz-juelich.de) Juelich, April 4, 2008 Dear colleagues, let me inform you on the following: 1. Papers: - a draft of the paper prepared by EDITORIAL team (Alexey Dzyuba and others as given in the author list) for submission to EPJ A journal "Interpretation of K^(+)Kbar^(o) pair production in pp collisions" - is available from our home page. --> Please have a look at the paper, and give comments and suggestions for possible changes to improve it even further, checking especially the areas of your special expertise. --> Deadline for replies regarding the above paper is 15-th of April 2008. --> Please, send your comments etc., to the Editorial team and to me. After the deadline, the ET will take the responsibility to consider all input, prepare the final paper (including the author list) and then give a brief chance for further comments before submission. - a few papers are in preparation and will be announced separately. 2. Beam-Time: we had a successful 1+3 weeks of beam-time for the experiment "precision measurement of the eta-mass". We thank all participants who was actively involved and helped us in these measurements! This is the first measurement with a special requirements for COSY/ANKE and requires careful analysis procedure. Next beam-time (1+2 weeks) at ANKE on "omega production" is scheduled in July. Current further planing: exchange of cluster target with PIT (ABS and LSP) in summer shutdown period (around middle of August). 3. PAC: currently there are 3 documents (from ANKE) in preparation: - formal BR for 'skipped' experiment 'pi0 production with polarized proton beam and cluster target' (Exp.#158.2, A.Kulikov) - new Proposal/BR on double polarized measurements of pp->pppi0 reaction at Tp=350 MeV with the cell target in one block with already scheduled measurements for dp charge-exchange reaction (Resp.: S.Dymov, A.Kacharava). - new Proposal/BR on kaon-pair production in pp collision below the phi-production threshold (Resp. M.Hartmann). Please, keep in mind that DEADLINE for the submission of the documents is 14th of April ! Best regards, Andro Kacharava